AHMEDABAD: The Congress election ads for the Gujarat polls have declared him as "Panch karodpatiyon na mukhya-mantri", or a CM of multi-millionaires. But, among the other, why the business community in Gujarat is with Chief Minister Narendra Modi is that he is seen as a person who would further relax prohibition in Gujarat.
Given the way he has relaxed the dry laws for SEZs and also allowing group permits for business conferences, Modi is seen as a chief minister who, if returned to power, would further remove this hypocrisy around prohibition in Gujarat.
This image does not go down well in Modi’s scheme of things, now that he is out to woo women who would rather have stricter dry laws in Gujarat. From the point of view of Gujarat Inc, which is central to Modi’s development plank, they would like to do business the way the world does business. And business is done in the more developed part of the world over golf and cocktails.
The golf bit has been worked out by the developers themselves and numerous golf courses are now coming up in Ahmedabad and elsewhere in Gujarat. The cocktail bit requires fixing and Modi is seen as the right person for the job to relax it at least for the ‘creamy layer’, if not for the masses. On this subject, Shankersinh Vaghela, during whose regime a large number of liquor shops were opened, does match Modi’s wave-length.
Congress leaders are afraid of exploiting the anti-prohibition of Modi against him because they will be confronted with the question on why liquor laws are so liberal in states ruled by the party associated so closely with Gandhi, in whose name prohibition still exists in Gujarat.
Also coming in the way is Rahul Gandhi’s reported criticism of the hypocrisy in oath taken for entering the party that the new Congressman will never take alcohol and always wear khadi.
At the recent CWC meeting, he drew attention to three pre-requisites for becoming a Congress member — abstinence from alcohol, commitment to always wearing khadi and always subscribing to the Congress paper, Sandesh.
Rahul turned to the gathering of senior leaders and is learned to have asked how many Congressmen really observed this pledge, and if they didn’t, whether it should be held against them. “Gandhiji told us to never tell a lie and yet many among us begin our innings in Congress with a lie,” he is learned to have said.
Source : http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com
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